
Residential connection and rates:

Residential connections are for domestic household use only. Businesses, organizations and non-profit foundations use the Commercial connection and rates.

Existing meter:

Requires a deposit and signing of the contract before the service is connected.

Security Deposit:

The purpose of the deposit is to secure payment to for electricity consumed and reserves the right to amend the deposit amounts. STUCO NV will assess usage based on electrical appliances installed (or to be installed) and will charge a deposit based on the monthly estimated usage. All deposits are refundable, unless any balance due for electricity consumed, when the related account is closed.

Electricity & Water deposit for Residential & Business Connections.

Residential Connections

Meter Type


Single Phase


Two Phase


Three Phase


Water Connection


Business connections

Meter Type


Single Phase


Two Phase


Three Phase


Water Connection


New meter (Meter needs to be installed):

In addition to your deposit, new homes are subject to the KVA fee. This is a one-time non-refundable charge for connection the new home to the distribution network. This amount is based on the electrical demand KVA or Amperage requested by the client.

Estimated KVA Amount:

Requires a deposit and signing of the contract before the service is connected.

Meter Type

Amount USD

Single Phase: 3.2 KVA


Two Phase: 7.7 KVA


Three Phase: 13.3 KVA or higher

To be calculated

The estimate will be based on the data supplied by the customer when applying for the connection. If after the connection has been completed, the actual maximum demand exceeds the estimate, the fee concerned can be adapted. The connection fee entitles the owner of the property to the corresponding maximum. For connections with an estimated maximum demand higher than 13.3 KVA, a quotation will be given upon request. In the introductory text to the chart, he suggested to state that the KVA fees in the chart are “some standard residential KVA fees.

Rates Electricity:

Tariff Group

Base Rate USD

Domestic Tariff 11


Domestic Tariff 12


Need a new connection for your home or business?

Click the buttons below for residential connection or non-residential connection.